Invalid Argument when loading a template


A hot fix has been deployed to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.

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Our QA team has confirmed our fix and we will be releasing it to production at 12:30AM PST on May 6th. This issue only affects desktop Excel. Users can still use CloudExtend in Excel online.

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We've met with users affected by this issue and have identified the root cause (a memory management module) and are feverishly putting an update together. This fix is going through QA now.

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We're unable to reproduce this on any of our own instances, however, several users are still reporting this issue. If you have this issue contact so our engineers can troubleshoot in your environment.

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We're aware of an issue where users select a template and receive an error 'invalid argument'. Our team is investigating the error.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite
  • CloudExtend Excel for Salesforce