Issue with categories not being applied (CloudExtend Outlook)


Version 2.4.68 has been pushed live with the fixes. See if you're not seeing the latest version.

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Our hotfix is looking good and we are planning to push the update by Monday at the latest.

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We are planning to test the hotfix this weekend. If all is good we'll push it to production by Monday.

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We are working on a hotfix which will categorize your emails as soon as you attach them. As a result there will be a new category 'Synced by CloudExtend'. We'll provide an update here after QA is complete.

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For some customers the category 'Attached to NetSuite' is not being applied to the message after it is successfully attached to NetSuite. At this point we believe we've found the root cause but are still testing to confirm. As soon as we're confident of the resolution we'll push a hotfix.

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Affected components
  • CloudExtend Outlook